Meet Your New Mission Band
Once in a while, the planets align, an eclipse appears and a unique blend of kindred spirited musicians emerges...
"Once In A While Band" is a Tulsa based charity band that performs for worthwhile community events, benefits and fund raisers. The band does not require any monetary payment for these engagements. The band's mission is to encourage the love of music and to use this medium to help others in need.
Founded in August, 2012, the band consists of talented and committed musicians who have donated many hours of their personal time and resources to make this band a reality. The band comes to the stage with a variety of diverse musical backgrounds and tastes covering the Blues, Jazz, Rock and Latin music genres.
If you need a band for a worthy cause, go to the "Contact Us" section and tell us about your next community charity or fund raiser event! Complete and submit the event form request and our events coordinator will contact you as soon as possible.
If you like our mission and want to support the band's endeavors, please "like" and follow us on Facebook. OIAWB scheduled events, photos, videos and frequent updates are posted there and on Reverbnation. Last but not least, the OIAWB videos are hosted on the band's OIAWB YouTube channel.
"Once In A While Band" is a Tulsa based charity band that performs for worthwhile community events, benefits and fund raisers. The band does not require any monetary payment for these engagements. The band's mission is to encourage the love of music and to use this medium to help others in need.
Founded in August, 2012, the band consists of talented and committed musicians who have donated many hours of their personal time and resources to make this band a reality. The band comes to the stage with a variety of diverse musical backgrounds and tastes covering the Blues, Jazz, Rock and Latin music genres.
If you need a band for a worthy cause, go to the "Contact Us" section and tell us about your next community charity or fund raiser event! Complete and submit the event form request and our events coordinator will contact you as soon as possible.
If you like our mission and want to support the band's endeavors, please "like" and follow us on Facebook. OIAWB scheduled events, photos, videos and frequent updates are posted there and on Reverbnation. Last but not least, the OIAWB videos are hosted on the band's OIAWB YouTube channel.
"Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything." ~ Plato